Find out how our writing workshops will give your team the skills and knowledge to deliver engaging and impactful content…
Are you looking for help to improve your writing? If you are, you’re not alone.
But there are simple techniques you can learn, which can help you improve your writing. It doesn’t matter whether you’re sending an important email to colleagues, putting together a detailed strategy report, or prepping a press release, the core principles remain the same.
We’ve run a range of writing workshops with businesses from sectors including automotive, construction, utilities and the public sector. They’re not just useful for comms people – though they have found them invaluable – they’re for colleagues right across an organisation.
Our writing workshops outline techniques that anyone can learn to make sure they get their message across clearly and without ambiguity.
Our typical day-long workshops focus on the importance of:
- Being absolutely clear on what the message is – what you are trying to tell people, and what you want them to do after receiving it
- Using straightforward, uncomplicated language – no one has time to plough through waffle to find out what they’re after
- Keeping sentences short and simple
- Avoiding jargon and technical language, while understanding that in some circumstances it’s appropriate
- An appropriate tone of voice – our starting point is always ‘normal, not formal’
- Keeping it ‘warm, friendly and empathetic’, while acknowledging that there’s a place for ‘forceful and direct’.
We also stress the importance of knowing your reader. The content of a message you send to experienced people managers, for example, will be different to the one directed at a cohort of new starters.
We also discuss planning and organising your work, common writing problems, and ways to review what you’ve written.
Our workshops are full of practical hints, tips and guidance, and we’ll provide you with simple techniques to make sure your writing stays on track.
All our workshops are tailored to a particular client’s needs. And they don’t have to last an entire day. For example, we delivered a bespoke three-hour session for people creating intranet content, and ran a quickfire ‘lunch and learn’, focusing on a particular area of writing.
Check out our top five tips for better writing. And get in touch to see how we can help your teams improve their writing skills and really land those vital messages.
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