It’s easy to be kind, but amid the daily duties, demands and deadlines encountered in our fast-paced lives, how much effort are we really making? 44’s Hannah Montgomery explains how you can step up the sweetness…
“In a world where you can be anything, be kind.”
It may be just one simple sentence, but when it comes to meaning, it sure does pack a punch. And over the past couple of years, kindness is something we could all do with a bit more of in our lives.
This Saturday (13 November) is World Kindness Day, so it’s a good time to think about how we can all spread some sparkle around – not just now, but throughout the whole year. Here are some easy ways to power up the positivity in your workplace…
The power of listening
Listening to people is one way we can all be kind, suggests thisiscalmer. This involves taking on board others’ opinions without judgement, pausing before you speak, and being more considerate in your response. Listening carefully allows you to build rapport and trust, and is a token of respect.
It sounds basic, but it’s more than just hearing the words someone else is saying. You can make a conscious effort to communicate more effectively through ‘impactful active listening’, which, according to Forbes, is about understanding the context in which the words are shared, and considering other cues, such as tone of voice, facial expressions and body language.
This is essentially a way of practicing mindfulness, as it’s about being in the moment and focusing on those around us. So, no matter how busy you are, avoid distractions and be in tune with your colleagues – it’s a small action, but one that can really make a difference.
Help yourself by helping others
Kindness can take the form of donating time or money to a good cause. And we can benefit from it too. Research shows that helping others also improves our own mental health and wellbeing.
You can make it a business-wide effort to bring together both people and resources – for example, a charity ‘bake-off’ or fancy dress fundraiser (Christmas Jumper Day, anyone?) are great ways to engage your team and unite for the benefit of an organisation in need.
Helping others can apply to those in your team, too. Taking the time to check in with a colleague, make them a coffee or offer them support will help foster a more positive working atmosphere.
Leading by example
Kindness boosts productivity: according to Work Human, research by the Association of Professional Executives of the Public Service of Canada (APEX) found that teams in a respectful and kind environment possess 26% more energy and express 36% more satisfaction with their jobs.
This is why it’s so important for leaders to create a warm and welcoming atmosphere where people can be their most authentic selves. Harvard Business Review suggests setting time aside during meetings for a ‘kindness round’, where people acknowledge the work of others.
We recently did a similar activity at 44 where we spent 10 minutes in our meeting room, paired up with a colleague and discussed questions such as: “What are X’s strengths?’ and ‘How does X help you in your role?’.
It was a fantastic way to boost morale and social connection, as it gave us the opportunity to recognise the support that others provide and show our appreciation.
A little goes a long way
To be kind really doesn’t take much effort, and it needn’t be complex or fancy – as the Emotion Machine says, sometimes the simplest acts of kindness are seen as the most sincere. This can literally be as easy as smiling to project warmth, or holding a door open for someone.
If you’re stuck for inspiration, you can set yourself the challenge of completing different acts of kindness. Local Adventurer has a variety of ideas for you to explore, including everything from giving someone a book you think they would enjoy, to leaving a positive sticky note on your colleague’s desk.
Be kind
Actions obviously speak louder than words, but here are a few meaningful messages that will hopefully empower and encourage you to work on being the best – and kindest – version of you that you possibly can.
Kindness is a gift everyone can afford to give.
Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.
No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.
Kindness is free to give, but priceless to receive.
Want to put more kindness in your comms, or just fancy a chat and a cup of coffee? Get in touch today!
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