Building a buzz with Vodafone employee event
The challenge
With a new call centre due to open in Manchester, we were challenged to create a Vodafone employee event to engage employees and showcase the journey to getting the building ready. The Communications team also wanted the open day to encourage behavioural change to make sure the new office environment would be well respected and looked after.
The solution
Inspired by Vodafone’s distinctive brand colours, we used red and black to create striking collateral for the employee event. Strong employee photography was used across the materials, including posters, digital screens, wall stickers, pens and mugs. The stickers and wall art were used to highlight particular areas around the building and reminders to keep these spaces tidy – ‘This is… your chill out space’. Other items were branded with quirky messages, like ‘This is… my inkspiration’ on pens and ‘This is… my mo-tea-vation’ on travel mugs.
The results
On the employee event day, seat stickers, giveaways and free vouchers for a Vodafone-branded ice cream van were given away to add to the excitement. The mugs, pens and sweets were sell outs, with the event exclusivity adding to the buzz. The sun even made an appearance, so the ice cream truck proved popular too. There were more than 950 entries into the competition that ran alongside the campaign, and just under 4,000 related interactions on Yammer and Workplace forums.