Are you looking for fun things to do in lockdown? Why not try this easy and step-by-step guide to drawing your own alien!
Do aliens exist? According to the United States Government, they might. This week the Pentagon has released videos of ‘unexplained aerial phenomena‘ and got us thinking about whether there really is life on Mars?
It’s in this spirit that the latest in our series of fun tutorials for keeping the kids entertained (and the big kids!), our Project Manager and artistic ace Amie Pryal has put together an easy guide on how to draw your very own alien in six simple steps. Read on for more information and click here to download our very space-ial guide in an easy-to-print format – and remember that the sky’s the limit once you decide to use your imagination!
And if you’re still looking for fun things to do in lockdown, why not check out our previous guides to help you draw your very own unicorn, narwhal, dragon and robot? Happy drawing!
For the ears, draw two triangle shapes either side of the head and add a line inside for detail. You can add antenna by drawing two sets of curved lines on top of the head with circles at the ends. Don’t forget to draw a curved line for the mouth.
To add legs, draw two curved lines underneath the head. Draw two vertical lines in the middle and connect them at the top with a slightly curved horizontal line.
Now to add the alien’s body. Draw two curved lines to connect the outside of the legs to the head – you can make them straighter or more curved depending on how wide you’d like your alien to be.
Draw an arm for your alien by adding two curved lines on one side of the body. Join them up with long u-shapes for the fingers and a shorter one for the thumb. Repeat this on the opposite side of the alien’s body to add the other arm.
And now you have your alien! Feel free to add extra details if you like, such as an oval-shaped tummy or eyelashes to the eyes. Don’t forget to colour your alien in!
Why we love it
“It’s been really fun creating these little tutorials for kids to follow along with (or adults, we’re not judging). We hope it provides a little bit of fun while you’re staying safe at home.”
Amie Pryal, Project Manager
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