We believe that building trust with colleagues is a vital part of any internal comms strategy. Join us in this discussion as we support next week’s IoIC Live 2018 conference – where the hot topic is ‘Transforming Reputation’.
What do you think of when you hear the word ‘reputation’? The chances are you immediately go to one end of the spectrum: trust or scandal.
As companies like Facebook, United Airlines and Uber still reel from very public misdemeanours, the Institute of Internal Communications (IoIC) have turned their focus inwards to better understand how reputation matters for internal communications professionals.
Over the two day conference (10 and 11 May) speakers from Lloyds Commercial Banking, Alzheimer’s Society, Repute Associates and more, join industry authority Bill Quirke in Birmingham to discuss ideas on building trust, influencing teams and why the lines between external and internal communications are blurring.
The event is a sell-out – but don’t worry. As proud supporters of IoIC Live 2018, we will be sharing all the best bits before, during and after the event.
Follow us at:
Twitter: We will be live-tweeting on both days of the event. Follow us at @44comms and remember to use the hashtag #ioiclive18
LinkedIn: Connect with us on LinkedIn and read our latest blogs about reputation before and after the event next week
The conference: Make sure to look out for (and say hi to!) Corin, Eddie and Alan on the day.
And if you have your ticket, we’ll see you there.
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