A mini tribute to two types of teams that have made all the difference at 44, from Chair and Owner Corin Ashby.
So, there is Teams and then there is our team.
Teams being the global business communications platform developed by Microsoft. The other being our merry mix of specialists who convene each day with a determined look on their faces to get the job done for this creative business.
Both forms of the word team have undoubtedly seen us through another tough and testing year, so I wanted to say a very big and public thank you to them for all their hard work and effort.
Teams tech
Over the course of 2021 Microsoft Teams has been a mini saviour for our business and thousands like it across the country. As we enter another period of work from home guidance, day-to-day, Teams has been our bedrock – we hold daily ‘huddles’ to keep the team together and focused on the tasks ahead for the day, week and month. It works well, is time-efficient, and keeps people connected.
Despite a fascinating array of video backgrounds, multiple raised yellow hands (because you can’t get a word in edgeways), and countless instances of “Oh sorry, I was on mute”, Teams has undoubtedly enabled us to continue to perform and deliver excellence for our clients.
We’ve also got better at using it too. Most attendees no longer suffer from stage-fright or bad hair days. We all appear on the camera – helping to make our interactions more ‘human’ and entertaining. Generally, as well as spying on people’s home décor choices, I see my colleagues and our clients adapting to this new way of working well – getting results and doing it flexibly, whether it’s from the office desk, kitchen table or garden bench.
One massive highlight of 2021 was the use of Teams to help us win and retain a big client contract. On paper it looked very risky but there was no other choice. More than 25 people (including three separate agency partners) attended a 90-minute Teams call to pitch a fantastic proposal with multiple moving parts, including the use of film at various points. Thankfully the tech did not let us down, everyone got heard and the overall outcome was very successful.
The true team
Of course, the real glue that holds things together is not the tech tool but the diligence, focus and general hard graft of our enormously talented human team day in, day out.
The interesting thing to me is that any team of people is a live and evolving thing, and just when you think you’ve nailed it with the optimal combination of talented individuals, life happens, and things change.
The ‘Great Resignation’ of 2021 is certainly a thing. Pre, during and post-pandemic, people will continue to weigh up their lives and what is important for them. We’ve seen some changes to our personnel too, but a good team evolves and, importantly, adapts. That’s certainly been the case here – as some in our team have moved on to do other things, others have stepped up to embrace fresh opportunities.
Over the course of 2021 we have been able to rebuild from within and bring new talent and skills into our business to strengthen what we do. It’s a testament to everyone involved that we can see our business growing again. Personally, I leave 2021 feeling very proud of this awesome group of people.
All that’s left for me to do is wish you and your respective team(s) the very happiest of Christmases. Here’s to a happy and healthy 2022 – one in which yet another version of our team will emerge in all its rich, diverse, multi-faceted glory to work hard, have fun, and go home safe. And what, I ask you, is wrong with that?
Merry Christmas!
Corin Ashby
Chair/owner – 44 Communications and 44 Digital
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