internal communications principles

In 2007, I set out to create my kind of creative business with a model unique in internal communications. Arguably more important than the ‘how’ this would work differently was – as with any service business – the ‘way’ we worked. Over the past decade (which has just flown by) 10 guiding internal communications principles have evolved. I like them because they aren’t passing fads or trending buzzwords. They’re proper, solid cornerstones of the way we deliver our business every day.

See what you think. Maybe it’s not rocket science, but these are authentic ingredients for a pretty successful creative service and travel well beyond the world of a Leamington internal communications agency.

1. We ask questions

Understanding is key. If you don’t ask questions, you probably don’t understand your client’s team, organisation or challenge well enough. From day one, we make sure our entire team knows that curiosity is king.

2. Work as a team

In today’s collaborative world, teams are everywhere. Getting everyone to play to their respective strengths is the crucial bit, coupled with awareness that we’re only as good as our weakest link, so everyone has a responsibility to make sure all their efforts are their best.

3. Strive for excellence

My grandad once said to me: “What’s the point of doing something half-heartedly? Do your best or don’t do it at all.” We were planting potatoes in his allotment at the time but you get the point. Quality work produced through hard graft and attention to detail will always be remembered.

4. Deliver great personal service

Going the extra mile rubs off. Everyone appreciates that little extra care or thought. That’s great service and isn’t it increasingly on the decline? If your client knows you’ll pull up trees for them, they’ll want you on their side and keep coming back.

5. Always keep the promises you make

More than anything else, trust is at the heart of all business situations. And that’s especially true for internal communication. Once a client’s circle of trust is broken, it’s extremely hard to fix.

6. Learn, apply and learn again

A learning mindset enables you to continually refresh and adapt to new challenges, crucial for both creativity and longevity.

7. Our business is founded on the traits of friendship

Good friends are honest, caring, dependable, trusted, supportive and fun to be around – lasting client and colleague relationships are built on all those elements.

8. We do the right thing

Companies of all shapes and sizes have a responsibility to make a positive difference to their own people, their customers and the wider world around them. Sometimes doing the right thing is not the easiest option and it certainly isn’t the least painful. But long term, the value to the business and its reputation far outweighs shorter-term commercial gains.

9. We know we are only as good as our last job

Complacency is a killer in business. Warning! Here comes the footballing anecdote: Sir Alex Ferguson, the most successful Premiership manager in history (and I’m not a Man United fan), refers to ‘challenger mentality’. Always see yourself as a number 2, not a number 1 – the minute you think you’re the best, you’re dead in the water.

10. We are proud to be 44

Last but definitely not least, if you don’t take pride in your work, your team and your business then what’s the point of coming to work every morning? Everyone should see the company they work for as they would their own business. The emotional connection to what you do for a living is the absolute critical step to personal fulfilment – and that’s the very essence of true employee engagement.

Corin Ashby
Partner, 44 Communications